Niche Vehicle Network

The challenge

The micro-EV world is dominated by low cost, low quality electric scooters. This offers consumers an underwhelming product experience and limits uptake to the early adopter market. Boscoot is a premium electric scooter designed to accelerate growth in zero emission, ultra efficient personal electric transport. 

What did the project do?

Based on relentless analysis of user experience, the Boscoot combined targeted innovations in electric scooter design and engineering. The primary aim being to improve the riding and storing functions, as well as the transitional phases of fold-unfold. A secondary aim, delivered through close alignment of industrial design and engineering, was to improve perception of electric scooters a valid mainstream transport. 

The Result

The design and prototyping of a fully integrated micro-EV with mature vehicle aesthetics was achieved. Combining innovation in the vehicle chassis, steering and user interface, the Boscoot project explored novel material selections and innovative design solutions to key rider pain points. Additionally, the creation of a bespoke direct drive powertrain test rig by Collins Limited and extensive market research through Pure Electric identified a robust specification and route to market following production readiness.

We are constantly seeking to broaden our core capabilities; delivery of the powertrain test rig for the NVN Boscoot project was an opportunity for CL to develop comprehensive understanding of the key levers necessary to deliver excellence in EV powertrain performance - especially the interdependencies of energy storage, motor and battery controller and motor hardware systems.

- Commenting on the project, Collins Limited